Repositioning the music streaming service as a music experience company.

This is a passion project created to learn more about UX design, micro interactions, accessibility, and in-person events. I worked on this project with a fellow UX Designer James Realubit.
MacBook mockup

Making information more accessible.

TIDAL was a music streaming app that was created with the intention to give musicians break economic barriers and empower artists with a service that supported them. Even with it being backed by some very prominent names in the industry... it unfortunately ended up being just another streaming service and I wanted to see how I could change that with this project.
Dashboard mockup

Competitive Analysis

What about the competition?

In order to understand how TIDAL stands against other music streaming platforms. I evaluated the streaming platforms based on what content I felt was important for user interviews and what content the brands themselves considered to be their best selling points.​I learned that these platforms offer almost all the same amenities. Where TIDAL lacks witch recognizable branding and podcasts, they make up for it with their custom and live concert streaming.


Which is which?

When compared to Spotify, in some instances TIDAL's interface looks almost identical.​The lack of brand identity is one of the reasons that potential users don't recognize the brand as being any different of better than other music streaming companies.
Dashboard mockup

Creating TIDAL unique experiences and Live Streaming

By becoming a 'music experience company', TIDAL will focus more on creating intimate experiences through tangible touchpoints between themselves and their audience.

To guide this change we wanted to tackle a TIDAL app refresh to emphasize some of TIDAL's exclusive content. We also wanted to establish local 'TIDAL RISING' events that not only show off TIDAL's new artist content but experiment with new tech in the music industry. This gives user's an experience they can only get from TIDAL.
iPhone mockup

Purchase tickets through the app

When looking at how TIDAL members would get access to exclusive RISING events, I wanted to focus on keeping them in the app.​TIDAL members can search for a concert in their area using a zip code. When they find an event they're interested in, I've made it easy to view information on the artists performing and even watch past performances.​After purchasing their ticket, they'll be able to access the QR code that is their ticket to the event.

Partnering with Music: Not Impossible

To create a new music experience, TIDAL is partnering with Music: Not Impossible to provide audiences with a vibrotactile suit, which translates music into physical vibration.​Through the TIDAL app, members will be able to rent a suit to use during the performance. The vibrotactile suit was created to give the deaf and hard of hearing a better concert experience. This provides a unique experience for TIDAL users and opens them to new perspectives.​This technology can push the limits with how TIDAL members interact with music and position TIDAL as a company that provides music experiences for all.

The Venue Experience

With this brand refresh, we wanted to create a more intimate musical experience. TIDAL already does a lot to promote new artists and we wanted to take it a step further by giving TIDAL subscribers live mini concert events in their city.

A New Experience

The vibrotactile suit was created to give the deaf and hard of hearing a better concert experience. This provides a unique experience for TIDAL users and opens them up to new perspectives.


At the end of the event, when suits are returned, users are given a survey and a change to review their experience.

A Reflection

Incorporating AR and motion capture.

If I were to ever partner with TIDAL, I'd like to incorporate AR and motion capture into their advertising and concert experiences. To change how people view their brand it'd be great to have digital ads that potential members could interact with. It'd also be cool to look at how AR could enhance the concern experience.